Saturday, July 16, 2011

Quick Post

We have been unpacking like crazy...Figuring out where to put everything...

So a day at the beach to celebrate Mom's birthday was a welcome break!Boo loves the sand!
Josh and Leah are learning how to boogie board.

1 comment:

  1. Carol!
    I can hardly believe this. I have two sisters visiting and we were talking about what we'd like to do this weekend and the Manassass reenactment was mentioned. We were wondering if it was worth getting tickets for when I checked my e-mail -- only to find your blog comment! If you still have access to the 4 tickets, we would be absolutely thrilled to use them. My e-mail address is photographsbybeth[at]
    Thank you for thinking of me! That is so very kind of you. God bless you!


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