This is a story about a little girl named Boo...

Miss. Boo woke up one morning and decided to make pancakes for her WHOLE family!

Because she is three, she needed some help from her Mommy!

When you are three, accidents can happen... like the fork falling in the bowl!
Luckily Mommy is there to fish it out!

When you are three, you aren't allowed to touch the hot griddle, so Mommy flips the pancakes for you!

When you are three, you are tall enough to reach the pantry shelves and get syrup!

When you are three, you are tall enough to reach into the refrigerator and get your big sister's favorite yogurt out for her!

When you are three, you don't understand why some people crave coffee in the morning,

or why others put on make-up the moment they roll out of bed,

or why some people just seem to have a hard time getting up in the morning!
"It's fun being 'stree', but it will be fun being four on my birt-day!"