Saturday, February 27, 2010


We were in the car at a gas station by 5:30 AM.
We stopped at a grocery store to get water bottles.
We waited in line for gas for about 20 minutes!

I guess you can't see it very well,
but there were about a dozen cars lined up in both directions for gas!

The stores were running out of water and other food staples.

We parked in the lot of a shopping center. There were about 20 cars in the lot when we got there at 6:45 AM. When we left at 2:30 PM, the lot was filled with more than 50 cars. Across the island, the cars were lined up along the side of the road because there was no where else to park. Lots of people had blankets or chairs to sit in on the grass.
This is the family Mom met from Sweden.

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