Here is our Christmas Tree!
(Yeah, I know it leans, if Italy can get away with it, why can't we?)
Dad, Mom, and Jenny reading a book
Our Nativity currently has tree baby Jesus figurines.
Boo figure the more Baby Jesus in the stable, the better!
Speaking of the Boo, here she is holding our Christmas Star!
Here's Leah and I on light duty!
And Jenny trying to dump the tree while getting the star up there!
Boo is very excited about Christmas this year.
When we asked her why we celebrate Christmas, she replied,
"So we can all get together and be happy together"
Here is her ornament for this year!
This is Mom's ornament from 1977
And here is Joshua's addition to our tree.
Since we are living in chaos, not all of us got ornaments.
Josh got one, but it broke before we got home.
Jenny, Jenny, Jenny
An ornament that Mom and Dad got for their wedding!
The completed tree!